Genesis 37

Genesis 37:1

Where did Jacob settle to live?

Jacob lived in the land of Canaan.

Genesis 37:2

What did Joseph bring to his father Jacob while guarding the flock with his brothers?

Joseph brought to his father an unfavorable report about his brothers.

Genesis 37:3

How did Israel show that he loved Joseph more than his other sons?

Israel made Joseph a luxurious tunic.

Genesis 37:4

What did Joseph's brothers think about Joseph?

Joseph's brothers hated him and would not speak to him cordially.

Genesis 37:7

What did Joseph see in his first dream?

Joseph saw his sheaf stand upright while his brothers' sheaves bowed down to his sheaf.

Genesis 37:8

What did Joseph's brothers think about Joseph after he told them about his first dream?

Joseph's brothers hated him even more.

Genesis 37:9

What did Joseph see in his second dream?

Joseph saw the sun, moon, and eleven stars bow down to him.

Genesis 37:10

In Joseph's second dream, what did the sun, moon, and stars represent?

The sun, moon, and stars represented Joseph's father, mother, and brothers.

Genesis 37:14

What did Jacob send Joseph out of the valley of Hebron to do?

Jacob sent Joseph out of the valley of Hebron to see if it was well with his brothers, and to bring Jacob word.

Genesis 37:20

What did Joseph's brothers plan to do when they saw Joseph coming?

Joseph's brothers planned to kill Joseph and cast him into one of the pits.

Genesis 37:22

What suggestion did Reuben make to his brothers, and why?

Reuben suggested that the brothers only throw Joseph into a pit, so that he could rescue Joseph later.

Genesis 37:28

Who did Joseph's brothers sell Joseph to and for how much?

Joseph's brothers sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver.

To where was Joseph taken?

Joseph was taken to Egypt.

Genesis 37:31

How did Joseph's brothers make it appear that Joseph was dead?

Joseph's brothers killed a goat and dipped Joseph's coat in the blood, then gave the coat to Jacob.

Genesis 37:32

How did Joseph's brothers make it appear that Joseph was dead?

Joseph's brothers killed a goat and dipped Joseph's coat in the blood, then gave the coat to Jacob.

Genesis 37:34

What did Jacob do after he concluded Joseph was dead?

Jacob tore his garments, wore sackcloth, and mourned his son for many days.

Genesis 37:36

To whom was Joseph sold in Egypt?

Joseph was sold to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, in Egypt.