Genesis 36

Genesis 36:1

By what other name are the descendants of Esau called?

The descendants of Esau are also called Edom.

Genesis 36:2

From where did Esau get his wives?

Esau took his wives from the Canaanites.

Genesis 36:6

Why did Esau move away from his brother Jacob?

Esau moved away from his brother Jacob because the land could not support both of them as their possessions were too many.

Genesis 36:7

Why did Esau move away from his brother Jacob?

Esau moved away from his brother Jacob because the land could not support both of them as their possessions were too many.

Genesis 36:8

Where did Esau settle?

Esau settled in the hill country of Seir.

Genesis 36:12

What was the name of the son born by Timna, a concubine of Esau's firstborn son Eliphaz?

The name of the son born by Timna was Amalek.

Genesis 36:15

What was the name of the son born by Timna, a concubine of Esau's firstborn son Eliphaz?

The name of the son born by Timna was Amalek.

Genesis 36:16

What was the name of the son born by Timna, a concubine of Esau's firstborn son Eliphaz?

The name of the son born by Timna was Amalek.

Genesis 36:20

Who was the father of the inhabitants of the land in which Edom lived?

Seir the Horite was the father of the inhabitants of the land in which Edom lived.

Genesis 36:31

What did the people of Edom have before Israel had them?

The people of Edom had kings before any king reigned over the Israelites.

Genesis 36:43

Who was the father of the Edomites?

Esau was the father of the Edomites.