Genesis 38

Genesis 38:2

From whom did Judah take a wife?

Judah took a wife from a Canaanite man.

Genesis 38:7

What did Yahweh do with Judah's first son Er, and why?

Yahweh killed Er because he was wicked.

Genesis 38:9

How did Judah's second son Onan not fulfill the duty of a brother-in-law to raise up a child for Er?

Onan would spill his semen on the ground when he made love to Tamar.

Genesis 38:10

What did Yahweh do with Judah's second son Onan, and why?

Yahweh killed Onan because what he did was evil.

Genesis 38:11

What promise did Judah then make to Tamar?

Judah promised Tamar his third son Shelah as a husband when Shelah grew up.

Genesis 38:12

After a long time, why did Judah need to be comforted?

Judah was comforted because his wife died.

Genesis 38:14

What did Tamar do when she heard that Judah was going to Timnah?

Tamar took off her clothing of widowhood, put on a veil and wrapped herself, and sat by the road to Timnah.

Why did Tamar do this?

Tamar did this because Judah's third son Shelah had grown up, but she had not been given to him as a wife.

Genesis 38:18

What did Tamar obtain as a pledge for payment before Judah made love to her?

Judah gave Tamar his seal, cord, and staff as a pledge of payment.

Genesis 38:21

When Judah tried to retrieve his pledge by paying the prostitute with a young goat, what did he learn?

Judah learned that there was no temple prostitute in that area.

Genesis 38:24

What did Judah want to do when he learned that Tamar was pregnant?

Judah wanted to burn Tamar because she had become pregnant as a prostitute.

Genesis 38:25

What did Tamar do when she was brought out to Judah?

She said that she was pregnant by the man who owned the seal, cord, and staff she had.

Genesis 38:26

How did Judah respond when he saw his seal, cord, and staff?

Judah said that Tamar was more right than he was, because he had not given Tamar to Shelah as a wife.

Genesis 38:27

How many children did Tamar bear?

Tamar had twin sons.

Genesis 38:28

What did the midwife do when one of Tamar's twins put his hand out from Tamar's womb?

When one of Tamar's twins put his hand out from Tamar's womb The midwife took a scarlet thread and tied it on his hand and said, "This one came out first."

Genesis 38:29

What were the names of the two brothers that Tamar birthed?

The names of the two brothers that Tamar birthed were Perez and Zerah.

Genesis 38:30

What were the names of the two brothers that Tamar birthed?

The names of the two brothers that Tamar birthed were Perez and Zerah.