Genesis 33

Genesis 33:2

As Esau was coming to Jacob, in what order did Jacob put his wives behind him?

Jacob put his female servants first, then Leah, and then Rachel.

Genesis 33:3

As Esau was coming to Jacob, in what order did Jacob put his wives behind him?

Jacob put his female servants first, then Leah, and then Rachel.

What did Jacob do as he came near his brother?

Jacob bowed toward the ground seven times as he came near his brother.

Genesis 33:4

What did Esau do when he came to his brother?

Esau ran to meet Jacob, embraced him, hugged his neck, and kissed him.

Genesis 33:9

What did Esau tell Jacob to do with the gifts he had sent ahead to Esau?

Esau told Jacob to keep them for himself, since he had enough.

Genesis 33:11

What two reasons did Jacob give Esau to accept his gifts?

Jacob said that because God had dealt graciously with him, and because he had enough, Esau should accept his gifts.

Genesis 33:12

Why did Jacob say he wanted Esau to go ahead, while he traveled more slowly?

Jacob said he wanted Esau to go ahead because the flocks would die if they were driven too fast.

Genesis 33:13

Why did Jacob say he wanted Esau to go ahead, while he traveled more slowly?

Jacob said he wanted Esau to go ahead because the flocks would die if they were driven too fast.

Genesis 33:14

Why did Jacob say he wanted Esau to go ahead, while he traveled more slowly?

Jacob said he wanted Esau to go ahead because the flocks would die if they were driven too fast.

Where did Jacob say he was going to bring his family and his flocks?

Jacob said he was going to bring his family and flocks to Esau in Seir.

Genesis 33:17

To where did Jacob travel, where he built himself a house?

Jacob traveled to Sukkoth, where he built himself a house.

Genesis 33:18

To where did Jacob travel, where he bought a piece of ground?

Jacob traveled to Shechem, where he bought a piece of ground.

Genesis 33:19

To where did Jacob travel, where he bought a piece of ground?

Jacob traveled to Shechem, where he bought a piece of ground.