Genesis 34

Genesis 34:2

What did Shechem, the son of Hamor, do when he saw Dinah, Leah's daughter?

Shechem grabbed Dinah, assaulted her, and forced himself on her.

Genesis 34:5

What did Jacob do at first when he heard about what happened to Dinah?

Jacob held his peace until his sons came in from the field.

Genesis 34:7

What was the reaction of Jacob's sons when they heard what Shechem had done to Dinah?

Jacob's sons were very angry.

Genesis 34:8

What did Hamor, the father of Shechem, want Jacob to do?

Hamor wanted Jacob to give Dinah to Shechem as his wife, and to allow Jacob's family to intermarry with Hamor's family.

Genesis 34:9

What did Hamor, the father of Shechem, want Jacob to do?

Hamor wanted Jacob to give Dinah to Shechem as his wife, and to allow Jacob's family to intermarry with Hamor's family.

Genesis 34:12

What did Shechem say he was willing to do to have Dinah as his wife?

Shechem said he would pay as great a bride price as Jacob would name.

Genesis 34:13

In what way did the sons of Jacob answer Shechem, and why?

The sons of Jacob answered Shechem deceitfully, because Shechem had defiled Dinah.

Genesis 34:15

What requirement did the sons of Jacob make to Hamor before they would agree to intermarry with Hamor's family?

The sons of Jacob required that all the males in Hamor's family be circumcised.

Genesis 34:23

When speaking to the men of their city, what did Hamor and Shechem say would be theirs if they intermarried with Jacob's family?

They said that all of Jacob's livestock, property, and animals would be theirs if they intermarried with Jacob's family.

Genesis 34:24

How did the men of Hamor's city respond when asked if they were willing to be circumcised?

The men of Hamor's city listened to Hamor and Shechem and every male was circumcised.

Genesis 34:25

What did Simeon and Levi do on the third day after the males from Hamor's family had been circumcised?

Simeon and Levi killed all the males in Hamor's city.

Genesis 34:27

What then did all of the sons of Jacob do?

All of the sons of Jacob looted the city, took all the wealth, and captured the children and wives.

Genesis 34:28

What then did all of the sons of Jacob do?

All of the sons of Jacob looted the city, took all the wealth, and captured the children and wives.

Genesis 34:29

What then did all of the sons of Jacob do?

All of the sons of Jacob looted the city, took all the wealth, and captured the children and wives.

Genesis 34:30

How did Jacob respond when he learned about what Simeon and Levi had done?

Jacob said that Simeon and Levi had brought trouble on him because the inhabitants of the land might now destroy him and his household.

Genesis 34:31

Why did Simeon and Levi say they had done it?

Simeon and Levi said they had done it because Shechem had treated their sister Dinah like a prostitute.