Genesis 32

Genesis 32:3

To whom did Jacob send a message on his way toward Canaan?

Jacob sent a message to his brother Esau on his way toward Canaan.

Genesis 32:5

For what purpose did Jacob send this message?

Jacob desired to find favor in Esau's sight.

Genesis 32:7

What was Jacob's reaction when he heard Esau was coming with four hundred men, and what did he do?

Jacob was afraid, so he divided his people into two groups so that if Esau attacked one group, the other could escape.

Genesis 32:8

What was Jacob's reaction when he heard Esau was coming with four hundred men, and what did he do?

Jacob was afraid, so he divided his people into two groups so that if Esau attacked one group, the other could escape.

Genesis 32:11

What was Jacob's request to Yahweh?

Jacob asked Yahweh to deliver him from the hand of Esau.

Genesis 32:12

Of what promise did Jacob remind Yahweh?

Jacob reminded Yahweh that he had promised to prosper Jacob, and to make his descendants like the sand of the sea.

Genesis 32:20

What did Jacob think he could accomplish by sending gifts to his brother Esau?

Jacob thought that perhaps he could appease Esau with the gifts that he sent to Esau so that later, when Jacob saw him, Esau would receive him.

Genesis 32:22

How did Jacob end up being alone that night?

He took his wives, servant women, and children across the ford of the Jabbok.

Genesis 32:24

What did Jacob do that night until daybreak?

Jacob wrestled with a man until daybreak.

Genesis 32:25

What did the man do when he could not defeat Jacob?

The man struck Jacob's hip and dislocated it.

Genesis 32:26

What did Jacob demand before he would let the man go?

Jacob demanded that the man bless him.

Genesis 32:28

What did the man say Jacob would there after be called?

The man said that Jacob's name would now be Israel.

Genesis 32:30

Who did Jacob say he had seen face to face that night?

Jacob said he had seen God face to face that night.

Genesis 32:32

What physical problem did Jacob continue to have after that night?

Jacob limped because of his hip after that night.