Genesis 18

Genesis 18:2

As Abraham was sitting at his tent door, what did he see when he looked up?

Abraham saw three men standing across from him.

Genesis 18:4

What did Abraham offer the men?

Abraham offered the men some water to wash, and some food.

Genesis 18:5

What did Abraham offer the men?

Abraham offered the men some water to wash, and some food.

Genesis 18:9

Where was Sarah when the visitor gave his prediction?

Sarah was in the tent.

Genesis 18:10

What prediction did the one visitor give concerning Sarah?

The one visitor said that when he returned, Sarah would have a son.

Genesis 18:12

How did Sarah respond to the visitor's prediction?

Sarah laughed to herself when she heard the visitor's prediction.

Genesis 18:14

What did Yahweh, the visitor, say about Sarah's response?

Yahweh asked why Sarah laughed, and said "Is anything too hard for Yahweh"?

Genesis 18:16

When the men left Abraham's home, toward where did they go?

The men left Abraham's home and went toward Sodom.

Genesis 18:17

What question did Yahweh ask as they walked?

Yahweh said, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do"?

Genesis 18:19

What did Yahweh say Abraham must do so that Yahweh might fulfill the promises given to Abraham?

Yahweh said that Abraham must instruct his children and his household to do righteousness and justice.

Genesis 18:20

Why were the men going toward Sodom?

The men were going toward Sodom because the cries against Sodom and Gomorrah were great, and they wanted to see if the cities were as wicked as the outcry suggested.

Genesis 18:21

Why were the men going toward Sodom?

The men were going toward Sodom because the cries against Sodom and Gomorrah were great, and they wanted to see if the cities were as wicked as the outcry suggested.

Genesis 18:23

As Abraham stood with Yahweh, what question did he ask Yahweh?

Abraham asked, "Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked"?

Genesis 18:26

What did Yahweh say he would do if there were fifty righteous within the city?

Yahweh said he would spare the whole place for their sake.

Genesis 18:28

What did Yahweh say he would do if there were forty-five righteous within the city?

Yahweh said he would spare the whole place for their sake.

Genesis 18:29

What did Yahweh say he would do if there were forty righteous within the city?

Yahweh said he would spare the whole place for their sake.

Genesis 18:30

What did Yahweh say he would do if there were thirty righteous within the city?

Yahweh said he would spare the whole place for their sake.

Genesis 18:31

What did Yahweh say he would do if there were twenty righteous within the city?

Yahweh said he would spare the whole place for their sake.

Genesis 18:32

What did Yahweh say he would do if there were ten righteous within the city?

Yahweh said he would spare the whole place for their sake.