Genesis 19

Genesis 19:2

When Lot saw the two angels coming into Sodom, what did he offer them?

Lot offered that they stay at his home for the night, and then leave in the morning.

What was the angels' response to Lot?

The angels said that they would spend the night in the town square.

Genesis 19:3

At Lot's urging, where did the angels finally decide to spend the night?

Finally, the angels went with Lot to his home for the night.

Genesis 19:5

What did the men of the city who surrounded Lot's house want Lot to do?

The men wanted Lot to bring out the two men visiting him, so they could sleep with them.

Genesis 19:8

What did Lot offer the men of the city instead?

Lot offered the men of the city his two daughters instead of the two visitors.

Genesis 19:9

How did the men respond to Lot's offer?

The men told Lot to stand back and almost broke down the door.

Genesis 19:11

What did the angels then do?

The angels pulled Lot back into the house and struck the men outside with blindness.

Genesis 19:13

What did the angels say they had been sent to do by Yahweh?

The angels said they had been sent to destroy the city.

Genesis 19:14

How did Lot's sons-in-law respond when Lot told them to hurry and leave Sodom because it was about to be destroyed?

Lot's sons-in-law thought Lot was joking.

Genesis 19:15

When morning dawned, what did the angels tell Lot to do?

The angels told Lot to take his wife and daughters and get out of the city.

Genesis 19:16

Why, despite Lot's lingering, did the angels bring Lot and his family by their hands out of the city?

The angels set them outside the city because Yahweh was merciful to them.

Genesis 19:17

What instructions did the angels give Lot when they were outside the city?

The angels told Lot and his family to flee for their lives and to not look back.

Genesis 19:22

Where did the angel allow Lot and his family to flee?

Lot and his family were allowed to flee to a small city called Zoar.

Genesis 19:24

What did Yahweh do when Lot reached Zoar?

Yahweh rained down sulfur and fire from the sky on Sodom and Gomorrah.

Genesis 19:26

What did Lot's wife do and what happened to her?

Lot's wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

Genesis 19:28

What did Abraham see early in the morning as he looked down at all the land of the plain?

Abraham saw smoke rising from the land like the smoke of a furnace.

Genesis 19:30

To where did Lot then move and why?

Lot then moved to the mountains because he was afraid to live in Zoar.

Genesis 19:31

What plan did Lot's daughters make involving their father?

Lot's daughters planned to make their father drunk, then lie with him so that they could have children.

Genesis 19:32

What plan did Lot's daughters make involving their father?

Lot's daughters planned to make their father drunk, then lie with him so that they could have children.

Genesis 19:37

Which two people groups came from the daughters of Lot?

The Moabite and Ammonite people groups came from the daughters of Lot.

Genesis 19:38

Which two people groups came from the daughters of Lot?

The Moabite and Ammonite people groups came from the daughters of Lot.