Genesis 17

Genesis 17:1

How old was Abram when Yahweh appeared again to him to confirm his covenant with Abram?

Abram was ninety-nine years old when Yahweh again appeared to Abram.

What command did Yahweh give Abram concerning Abram's way of life?

Yahweh commanded Abram to walk before him blamelessly.

Genesis 17:5

To what did Yahweh change Abram's name, and what does the name mean?

Yahweh changed Abram's name to Abraham, which means "father of a multitude of nations".

Genesis 17:8

What did Yahweh give to Abraham's descendants as part of the covenant?

Yahweh gave Abraham's descendants all the land of Canaan as part of the covenant.

What did Yahweh say would be the relationship between Abraham's descendants and Yahweh?

Yahweh said that he would be God to Abraham's descendants.

Genesis 17:10

What did Yahweh command be done as a sign of the covenant between Abraham and Yahweh?

Yahweh commanded that every male be circumcised as a sign of the covenant between Abraham and Yahweh.

Genesis 17:11

What did Yahweh command be done as a sign of the covenant between Abraham and Yahweh?

Yahweh commanded that every male be circumcised as a sign of the covenant between Abraham and Yahweh.

Genesis 17:12

At what age was a baby to be circumcised?

A baby was to be circumcised after eight days.

What was to be done with foreigners who joined a household that was in covenant with Yahweh?

Foreigners who joined a household in covenant with Yahweh were also to be circumcised.

Genesis 17:13

What was to be done with foreigners who joined a household that was in covenant with Yahweh?

Foreigners who joined a household in covenant with Yahweh were also to be circumcised.

Genesis 17:14

What happened to any male who was not circumcised?

Any male who was not circumcised was cut off from his people because he had broken the covenant.

Genesis 17:15

To what did Yahweh change Sarai's name?

Yahweh changed Sarai's name to Sarah.

Genesis 17:16

What did Yahweh promise would come by Sarah?

Yahweh promised that Abraham's son would come by Sarah.

Genesis 17:17

How did Abraham respond to Yahweh's promise concerning Sarah?

Abraham laughed and asked how a child could be born to a man and woman who were so old.

Genesis 17:19

What did God say Abraham must name the son that would come by Sarah?

God said that Abraham must name the son Isaac.

What did God say he would establish with Isaac?

God said that he would establish his covenant with Isaac.

Genesis 17:20

What promise did God make concerning Ishmael?

God promised to bless Ishmael, to make him fruitful, and to make him a great nation.

Genesis 17:21

What did God say he would establish with Isaac?

God said that he would establish his covenant with Isaac.

Genesis 17:24

After God left Abraham, what did Abraham do on that same day?

On that same day, Abraham circumcised all the males of his household.

Genesis 17:25

After God left Abraham, what did Abraham do on that same day?

On that same day, Abraham circumcised all the males of his household.

How old was Ishmael when he was circumcised?

Ishmael was thirteen years old when he was circumcised.

Genesis 17:26

After God left Abraham, what did Abraham do on that same day?

On that same day, Abraham circumcised all the males of his household.

Genesis 17:27

After God left Abraham, what did Abraham do on that same day?

On that same day, Abraham circumcised all the males of his household.