Genesis 16

Genesis 16:1

What idea did Sarai have for giving Abram a descendant?

Sarai told Abram to sleep with her servant, Hagar, in order to have children by her.

Genesis 16:2

What idea did Sarai have for giving Abram a descendant?

Sarai told Abram to sleep with her servant, Hagar, in order to have children by her.

Genesis 16:4

What happened between Hagar and Sarai when Hagar conceived a child with Abram?

After Hagar conceived, Hagar looked with contempt on Sarai.

Genesis 16:5

What complaint did Sarai bring to Abram, and how did Abram respond?

Sarai complained that it was Abram's fault that Hagar despised her, and Abram told Sarai to do what she thought best with Hagar.

Genesis 16:6

What complaint did Sarai bring to Abram, and how did Abram respond?

Sarai complained that it was Abram's fault that Hagar despised her, and Abram told Sarai to do what she thought best with Hagar.

How did Sarai treat Hagar after Hagar conceived, and what did Hagar do?

Sarai treated Hagar harshly, and Hagar fled.

Genesis 16:9

In the wilderness, what did the angel of Yahweh tell Hagar to do?

The angel of Yahweh told Hagar to return to Sarai and submit to her authority.

Genesis 16:10

What promise did the angel of Yahweh make to Hagar?

The angel of Yahweh promised Hagar that her descendants would be too numerous to count.

Genesis 16:11

Why was Hagar told to name her son Ishmael?

Hagar was told to name her son Ishmael because Yahweh had heard her affliction.

Genesis 16:12

How will Ishmael treat other people?

Ishmael will be hostile against every man, and will live apart from all his brothers.

Genesis 16:13

What name did Hagar give Yahweh?

Hagar gave Yahweh the name, "The God who sees me".

Genesis 16:16

How old was Abram when Ishmael was born?

Abram was eighty-six years old when Ishmael was born.