Genesis 27

Genesis 27:1

As Isaac grew old, what was he no longer able to do?

As Isaac grew old, he was no longer able to see.

Genesis 27:3

What did Isaac ask Esau to do, and why?

Isaac asked Esau to go hunt and make the sort of food that he loved, so that he could eat it and bless Esau.

Genesis 27:4

What did Isaac ask Esau to do, and why?

Isaac asked Esau to go hunt and make the sort of food that he loved, so that he could eat it and bless Esau.

Genesis 27:8

What was Rebekah's plan for providing the food for Isaac, and why?

Rebekah told Jacob to go get two goats and she would make the food that Isaac loved, so that Jacob could take it to Isaac and receive the blessing.

Genesis 27:9

What was Rebekah's plan for providing the food for Isaac, and why?

Rebekah told Jacob to go get two goats and she would make the food that Isaac loved, so that Jacob could take it to Isaac and receive the blessing.

Genesis 27:10

What was Rebekah's plan for providing the food for Isaac, and why?

Rebekah told Jacob to go get two goats and she would make the food that Isaac loved, so that Jacob could take it to Isaac and receive the blessing.

Genesis 27:11

About what was Jacob concerned in bringing the food to Isaac?

Jacob was concerned that Esau was a hairy man and he was a smooth man, and that Isaac would touch him and find out that Jacob was a deceiver and curse him.

Genesis 27:12

About what was Jacob concerned in bringing the food to Isaac?

Jacob was concerned that Esau was a hairy man and he was a smooth man, and that Isaac would touch him and find out that Jacob was a deceiver and curse him.

Genesis 27:15

How did Rebekah solve the problem of Esau being a hairy man, and Jacob a smooth man?

Rebekah put Esau's clothes on Jacob and put goatskins upon his hands and neck.

Genesis 27:16

How did Rebekah solve the problem of Esau being a hairy man, and Jacob a smooth man?

Rebekah put Esau's clothes on Jacob and put goatskins upon his hands and neck.

Genesis 27:20

When Isaac asked, how did Jacob say he had found the game so quickly?

Jacob said that Yahweh, Isaac's God, had brought the game to him.

Genesis 27:22

Because he was not sure, how did Isaac try to determine who was giving him the food?

Isaac touched Jacob on the hands and felt the hairy goatskins.

Genesis 27:23

Because he was not sure, how did Isaac try to determine who was giving him the food?

Isaac touched Jacob on the hands and felt the hairy goatskins.

Genesis 27:24

What did Jacob say when Isaac asked, "Are you really my son Esau"?

Jacob said, "I am".

Genesis 27:26

What finally convinced Isaac that the person bringing the food was Esau?

When Jacob came near Isaac to kiss him, Isaac smelled Esau's clothes.

Genesis 27:27

What finally convinced Isaac that the person bringing the food was Esau?

When Jacob came near Isaac to kiss him, Isaac smelled Esau's clothes.

Genesis 27:29

Who did Isaac say would bow down to Jacob?

Isaac said nations would bow down to Jacob and that Jacob's mother's sons would bow down to him.

Genesis 27:30

What did Esau do soon after Jacob left Isaac's tent?

Esau came in from hunting, prepared the food, and brought it to Isaac.

Genesis 27:31

What did Esau do soon after Jacob left Isaac's tent?

Esau came in from hunting, prepared the food, and brought it to Isaac.

Genesis 27:34

What did Isaac say when Esau asked for Isaac's blessing?

Isaac said that Jacob had deceitfully taken away Esau's blessing.

Genesis 27:35

What did Isaac say when Esau asked for Isaac's blessing?

Isaac said that Jacob had deceitfully taken away Esau's blessing.

Genesis 27:36

In what two ways did Esau say Jacob had cheated him?

Esau said that Jacob had cheated him from his birthright and from his blessing.

Genesis 27:39

What was the "blessing" that Isaac gave Esau?

Isaac said that Esau would live away from the fatness of the earth, that he would serve his brother, but would eventually rebel against him and shake off Jacob's yoke.

Genesis 27:40

What was the "blessing" that Isaac gave Esau?

Isaac said that Esau would live away from the fatness of the earth, that he would serve his brother, but would eventually rebel against him and shake off Jacob's yoke.

Genesis 27:41

What did Esau decide to do after Isaac's death?

Esau decided to kill Jacob after Isaac's death.

Genesis 27:43

What did Rebekah do after hearing Esau's plans?

Rebekah sent Jacob to Laban, her brother, in Haran.