Genesis 26

Genesis 26:1

Why did Isaac move to the city of Gerar where Abimelech was the king of the Philistines?

Isaac moved to Gerar because there was a famine in the land.

Genesis 26:2

What had Yahweh told Isaac before Isaac moved to Gerar?

Yahweh had told Isaac not to move to Egypt, and to stay in the land about which he would tell Isaac.

Genesis 26:3

What did Yahweh tell Isaac about the oath Yahweh had sworn to his father Abraham?

Yahweh told Isaac that he would fulfill the oath which Yahweh had sworn to Abraham.

Genesis 26:5

Why did Yahweh say he was going to do this?

Yahweh said he was going to do this because Abraham had obeyed his voice and kept his instructions, commandments, statutes, and laws.

Genesis 26:7

What did Isaac say to the men of Gerar about Rebekah, his wife?

Isaac told the men of Gerar that Rebekah was his sister.

Genesis 26:9

According to Abimelech, what could have brought guilt upon the people because of Isaac's lie?

Because of Isaac's lie, someone could have had sexual relations with Rebekah and brought guilt upon the people.

Genesis 26:10

According to Abimelech, what could have brought guilt upon the people because of Isaac's lie?

Because of Isaac's lie, someone could have had sexual relations with Rebekah and brought guilt upon the people.

Genesis 26:11

What command did Abimelech give regarding Rebekah?

Abimelech commanded that anyone who touched Rebekah would be put to death.

Genesis 26:16

What reason did Abimelech give for asking Isaac to move away from the Philistines?

Abimelech asked Isaac to move away from the Philistines because he said, "...for you are mightier than we."

Genesis 26:18

Why did Isaac have to dig out the wells of water which they had dug in the days of Abraham?

Isaac had to dig out the wells of water which they had dug in the days of Abraham because the Philistines had stopped them up after Abraham's death.

Genesis 26:22

What did Isaac name the well over which the herdsmen of Gerar did not quarrel with him?

Isaac named the well, over which the herdsmen of Gerar did not quarrel with him, Rehoboth.

Genesis 26:23

What did Yahweh reaffirm to Isaac when he appeared to Isaac at Beersheba?

Yahweh reaffirmed that he would bless Isaac and multiply his descendants.

Genesis 26:24

What did Yahweh reaffirm to Isaac when he appeared to Isaac at Beersheba?

Yahweh reaffirmed that he would bless Isaac and multiply his descendants.

Genesis 26:28

What covenant did Abimelech want to make with Isaac, and why?

Abimelech wanted to make a covenant that neither side would harm the other, because he saw that Yahweh was with Isaac.

Genesis 26:29

What covenant did Abimelech want to make with Isaac, and why?

Abimelech wanted to make a covenant that neither side would harm the other, because he saw that Yahweh was with Isaac.

Genesis 26:30

How did Isaac respond to Abimelech's request for a covenant between them?

Isaac made a feast, and they swore an oath with each other.

Genesis 26:31

How did Isaac respond to Abimelech's request for a covenant between them?

Isaac made a feast, and they swore an oath with each other.

Genesis 26:34

From what people group were the two wives of Esau?

The two wives of Esau were from the Hittites.

Genesis 26:35

How was the relationship between Esau's wives and Isaac and Rebekah?

Esau's wives brought sorrow to Isaac and Rebekah.