Genesis 3

Genesis 3:1

What was the first question that the serpent asked the woman?

The serpent asked the woman, “Has God really said, ‘You must not eat from any tree of the garden’”?

Genesis 3:4

When the woman said God told them they would die if they ate from the tree in the middle of the garden, what did the serpent say?

The serpent said, “You will surely not die”.

Genesis 3:5

What did the serpent say would happen to the man and woman if they ate of the fruit?

The serpent said they would be like God, knowing good and evil.

Genesis 3:6

What attracted the woman to the fruit of the tree?

She saw it was good for food, a delight to the eyes, and desirable to make one wise.

Who ate of the fruit?

The woman ate, and gave some to her husband who also ate.

Genesis 3:7

What happened to them when they ate of the fruit?

When they ate, their eyes were opened and they knew that they were naked.

Genesis 3:8

What did the man and woman do when God came into the garden?

They hid themselves from God.

Genesis 3:10

Why did the man hide himself from God when he came into the garden?

The man hid himself from God because he was naked and therefor afraid.

Genesis 3:12

Who did the man say was responsible for giving him the fruit?

The man said the woman was responsible.

Genesis 3:13

Who did the woman say was responsible for giving her the fruit?

The woman said that the serpent was responsible.

Genesis 3:15

What kind of relationship did God say he would cause to exist between the serpent and the woman?

God said he would cause them to hate each other.

Genesis 3:16

What curse did God give the woman regarding childbirth?

God greatly multiplied the woman’s pain in childbirth.

Genesis 3:17

What curse did God give the man regarding his work?

God cursed the ground so that only by painful toil would the man eat from it.

Genesis 3:20

What name did the man give the woman, and why?

The man called the woman Eve, because she was the mother of all living things.

Genesis 3:21

What did God make for Adam and Eve, and why?

God made them garments of skins in order to clothe them.

Genesis 3:22

Why did God say that now Adam must not eat of the tree of life?

God said that since Adam now knew good and evil he must not eat of the tree of life, because he would then live forever.

Genesis 3:24

What did God do to prevent Adam from eating from the tree of life?

God drove the man out of the garden and placed cherubim there to guard the way to the tree of life.