Genesis 2

Genesis 2:2

What did God do on the seventh day?

He rested from all his work, and he blessed and sanctified the day.

Genesis 2:3

What did God do on the seventh day?

He rested from all his work, and he blessed and sanctified the day.

Genesis 2:6

Before Yahweh caused it to rain, how was the earth watered?

A mist went up from the earth.

Genesis 2:7

How did Yahweh make man?

Yahweh formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into him.

Genesis 2:8

Where did Yahweh first put the man?

In the garden in Eden.

Genesis 2:9

What two trees were in the midst of the garden?

The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Genesis 2:15

What was the man to do in the garden?

He was to work and maintain the garden.

Genesis 2:16

What command did Yahweh give the man about what to eat?

You may freely eat from every tree in the garden, except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Genesis 2:17

What command did Yahweh give the man about what to eat?

You may freely eat from every tree in the garden, except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

What did Yahweh say would happen if the man violated this command?

In the day when the man violated the command, he would surely die.

Genesis 2:18

What did Yahweh say was not good?

He said it was not good that the man was alone.

Genesis 2:19

What did Yahweh have the man do with every living creature?

The man gave every living creature a name.

Genesis 2:20

What was not found among all the living creatures?

A helper for the man corresponding to him.

Genesis 2:22

How did Yahweh make the woman?

Yahweh caused the man to sleep and took one of the man’s ribs, and made the woman from the rib.

Genesis 2:23

Why did the man call her “woman”?

Because she was taken out of the man.

Genesis 2:24

How do a man and woman become one flesh?

The man is united to the woman as his wife.

Genesis 2:25

Were the man and his wife ashamed of being naked?
