Genesis 10

Genesis 10:5

After the flood, the descendants of Noah eventually spread out on the earth in clans, and when they spread out, each clan had its own what?

When the clans eventually spread out, each clan had its own language.

Genesis 10:9

For what was Nimrod, descendant of Ham, known?

Nimrod was known as a mighty hunter before Yahweh.

Genesis 10:10

What was the first of Nimrod's primary cities in the land of Shinar?

The first of Nimrod's primary cities was Babel.

Genesis 10:11

In addition to the land of Shinar, what other area did Nimrod develop with cities?

Nimrod also built cities in Assyria.

Genesis 10:15

Canaan was a descendant of which son of Noah?

Canaan was a descendant of Ham.

Genesis 10:20

After the flood, the descendants of Noah eventually spread out on the earth in clans, and when they spread out, each clan had its own what?

When the clans eventually spread out, each clan had its own language.

Genesis 10:25

What happened in the days of Peleg, descendant of Shem?

In the days of Peleg, the earth was divided.

Genesis 10:31

After the flood, the descendants of Noah eventually spread out on the earth in clans, and when they spread out, each clan had its own what?

When the clans eventually spread out, each clan had its own language.

Genesis 10:32

From where did the nations come that spread over the earth after the flood?

The nations came from the clans of the sons of Noah.