Genesis 38

Genesis 38 General Notes

Structure and formatting

This chapter focuses on Jacob's son Judah.

Special concepts in this chapter
"Spilling his seed"

Onan was to provide for his brother's widow and give her an heir. This phrase indicates that he used Tamar to fulfill his own sexual desires rather than help her. This was sinful. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-euphemism and /WA-Catalog/en_tw?section=kt#sin)

God preserves Judah's line

The Canaanite woman, Tamar, deceived her father-in-law, Judah, into having sexual relations with her. If it had not been for this act, Judah would not have any descendants to carry on his family line. Although her actions were wrong, God used them to protect his people. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tw?section=kt#peopleofgod)

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Genesis 38:1

It came about at that time that Judah

This introduces a new part of the story that focuses on Judah. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#writing-newevent)

a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah

Hirah is the name of a man who lived in the village of Adullam. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

Genesis 38:2

whose name was Shua

Shua is a Canaanite woman who married Judah. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

he went in to her

This is a euphemism. Alternate translation: "he had sexual relations with her" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-euphemism)

Genesis 38:3

She became pregnant

"Judah's wife became pregnant"

He was named Er

This can be written in active form. Alternate translation: "His father named him Er" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-activepassive)


Judah's son (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

Genesis 38:4

called his name

"named him"


Judah's son (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

Genesis 38:5


Judah's son (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)


This is the name of a place. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

Genesis 38:6


This is the name of one of Judah's sons. See how you translated this name in Genesis 38:3. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

Genesis 38:7

was wicked in the sight of Yahweh

The phrase "in the sight" refers to Yahweh seeing Er's wickedness. Alternate translation: "was wicked and Yahweh saw it" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-idiom)

Yahweh killed him

Yahweh killed him because he was wicked. This can be made clear. Alternate translation: "So Yahweh killed him" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-explicit)

Genesis 38:8


This is the name of one of Judah's sons. See how you translated this name in Genesis 38:4. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

Go in to your brother's wife

This is a euphemism. Alternate translation: "Have sexual relations with your brother's wife" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-euphemism)

Do the duty of a brother-in-law to her

This refers to a custom that when the oldest brother dies before he and his wife have a son, the next oldest brother would marry and have sexual relations with the widow. When the widow gave birth to the first son, that son was considered the son of the oldest brother and he would receive the oldest brother's inheritance.

Genesis 38:9

he went in to

This is a euphemism. Alternate translation: "he had sexual relations with" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-euphemism)

Genesis 38:10

was evil in the sight of Yahweh

The phrase "in the sight" refers to Yahweh seeing Onan's wickedness. Alternate translation: "was evil and Yahweh saw it" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-idiom)

Yahweh killed him also

Yahweh killed him because what he did was evil. This can be made clear. Alternate translation: "So Yahweh killed him also" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-explicit)

Genesis 38:11

his daughter-in-law

"his oldest son's wife"

in your father's house

This means her to live in here father's house. Alternate translation: "and live in your father's house" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-explicit)

until Shelah, my son, grows up

Judah intends for Tamar to marry Shelah when he grows up. Alternate translation: "and when Shelah, my son, grows up, he can marry you" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-explicit)


This is the name of one of Judah's sons. See how you translated this name in Genesis 38:5. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

For he feared, "He might also die, just like his brothers

Judah feared that if Shelah married Tamar he would also die like his brothers did. Alternate translation: "For he feared, 'If he marries her he may also die like his brothers did" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-explicit)

Genesis 38:12


This is the name of a man. See how you translated this name in Genesis 38:2. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

Judah was comforted and

"When Judah was no longer grieving, he"

his sheepshearers at Timnah

"Timnah, where his men were shearing sheep"


This is the name of a place. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

he and his friend Hirah the Adullamite

"His friend Hiram, from Adullam, went with him"

Hirah the Adullamite

"Hiram" is the name of a man, and "Adullam" is the name of a village where he lived. See how you translated this name in Genesis 38:1. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

Genesis 38:13

Tamar was told

This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "Someone told Tamar" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-activepassive)

Look, your father-in-law

"Listen." Here the word "look" is used to get Tamar attention.

your father-in-law

"your husband's father"

Genesis 38:14


This is the name of a place. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

of her widowhood

"that widows wear"


a very thin material used to cover a woman's head and face

wrapped herself

This means that she hid herself with her clothing so that people would not recognize her. Traditionally, part of women's clothing were large pieces of cloth they wrapped themselves with. Alternate translation: "wrapped herself in her clothing so that people would not recognize her" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-explicit)

by the road

"along the road" or "on the way"

she had not been given to him as a wife

This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "Judah had not given her to Shelah as a wife" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-activepassive)

Genesis 38:15

When Judah saw her

The word "her" here refers to Tamar, but your reader should understand that Judah did not know that the woman he was looking at was Tamar.

because she had covered her face

Judah did not think she was a prostitute just because her face was covered but also because she was sitting in the gate. Alternate translation: "because she had covered her head and sat where prostitutes often sat" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-explicit)

Genesis 38:16

He went to her by the road

Tamar was sitting by the road. Alternate translation: "He went to where she was sitting by the road" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-explicit)

Come, please

"Come with me, please" or "Come now, please"

Genesis 38:17

from the flock

"from my flock of goats"

Genesis 38:18

seal and cord ... staff

A "seal" is similar to a coin with a design engraved on it, used to imprint melted wax. The "cord" was put through the seal so the owner could wear it around his neck. A staff was long wooden stick that helped in walking over rough ground.

he went in to her

This is a euphemism. Alternate translation: "he had sexual relations with her" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-euphemism)

she became pregnant by him

This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "he caused her to become pregnant" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-activepassive)

Genesis 38:19


This was a very thin material used to cover a woman's head and face. See how you translated these in Genesis 38:14.

clothing of her widowhood

"clothing that widows wear." See how you translated these in Genesis 38:14.

Genesis 38:20


a person who lives in the village of Adullam. See how you translated this in Genesis 38:1. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

receive the pledge

This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "take back the pledge"(See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-activepassive)

from the woman's hand

Here "hand" emphasizes that they were in here possession. The woman's hand refers to the woman. Alternate translation: "from the woman" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-synecdoche)

Genesis 38:21


a person who lives in the village of Adullam. See how you translated this in Genesis 38:1. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

the men of the place

"some of the men who lived there"

cultic prostitute

"prostitute who serves in the temple"


This is the name of a place. See how you translated this in Genesis 38:14. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

Genesis 38:22

General Information:

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Genesis 38:23

that we not be put to shame

When people found out what had happened they would ridicule Judah and laugh at him. This can be made clear and stated in active form. Alternate translation: "or else people will laugh at us when they find out what happened" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-explicit and /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-activepassive)

Genesis 38:24

It came about

This phrase is used here to mark the beginning of a new part of the story. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#writing-newevent)

it was told to Judah

This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "someone told Judah" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-activepassive)

Tamar your daughter-in-law

"Tamar, your oldest son's wife"

she is pregnant by it

Here the word "it" refers to the "prostitution" that she committed. This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "it has made her pregnant" or "she is pregnant" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-activepassive)

Bring her here

"Bring her out"

let her be burned

This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "we will burn her to death" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-activepassive)

Genesis 38:25

When she was brought out

This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "When they brought her out" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-activepassive)

her father-in-law

"her husband's father"

seal and cords and staff

A "seal" is similar to a coin with a design engraved on it, used to make an impression in melted wax. The "cord" was put through the seal so the owner could wear it around his neck. A staff was long wooden stick that helped in walking over rough ground. See how you translated this in Genesis 38:18.

Genesis 38:26


This is the name of one of Judah's sons. See how you translated this name in Genesis 38:5. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

did not lie with her again

This is a euphemism. Alternate translation: "did not have sexual relations with her again" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-euphemism)

Genesis 38:27

It came about at the time

This phrase is used here to mark the beginning of a new part of the story. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#writing-newevent)


The word "behold" alerts us to the surprise that Tamar was carrying twins, which was previously unknown.

Genesis 38:28

It came about as she was giving birth

This phrase "It came about" marks an important event in the story. If your language has a way for doing this, you could consider using it here.

one put out a hand

"one of the babies put out his hand"


This is a person who helps a woman when she is giving birth to a child. See how you translated this in Genesis 35:17.

scarlet thread

"bright red thread"

on his hand

"around his wrist"

Genesis 38:29


The word "behold" here alerts us to pay attention to the surprising information that follows.

How you have broken out!

This shows the midwife's surprise to seeing the second baby come out first. Alternate translation: "So this is how you break your way out first!" or "You have burst out first!" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-explicit)

he was named

This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "she named him" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#figs-activepassive)


This is the name of a boy. Translators may add a footnote that says: "The name Perez means 'breaking out.'" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)

Genesis 38:30


This is the name of a boy. Translators may add a footnote that says: "The name Zerah means 'scarlet or bright red.'" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=translate#translate-names)