Genesis 6

Genesis 6:2

When mankind multiplied on the earth, what did the sons of God do?

The sons of God took for themselves wives from the daughters of mankind.

Genesis 6:3

What did God now say about the length of life for mankind?

God said that mankind would live 120 years.

Genesis 6:4

Who were the mighty men of old, the men of renown?

The mighty men of old were giants born from the marriage of the sons of God with the daughters of men.

Genesis 6:5

What did Yahweh see in the hearts of mankind in those days?

Yahweh saw that the wickedness of mankind was great, and that their every thought was evil.

Genesis 6:7

What did Yahweh decide to do with mankind?

Yahweh decided to wipe away mankind from the earth.

Genesis 6:8

But who found favor with Yahweh?

Noah found favor with Yahweh.

Genesis 6:9

What kind of person was Noah?

Noah was a righteous man, blameless, and a man who walked with God.

Genesis 6:14

What did God tell Noah to do before God destroyed mankind?

God told Noah to build a boat.

Genesis 6:17

How did God say he was going to destroy all flesh that has the breath of life in it?

God said that he was going to bring the flood of waters upon the earth.

Genesis 6:18

But with whom did God establish his covenant?

God established his covenant with Noah.

Who did God tell Noah to bring on the boat?

God told Noah to bring his wife, his three sons, and his sons' wives.

Genesis 6:19

What animals were to be brought on the boat to be kept alive?

Two of every kind of living creature, male and female, were to be brought on the boat.

Genesis 6:22

How did Noah respond to God's commands?

Noah did all that God commanded him.