Pasal 8

( I Waudi Hubyabe Persembahan) 1 Iu efei ani malna persembahan hubyai tarok tamnah ihpi: tarpk amnah tih ubema omnah it. Rom nanah au andanduh mau efeit efeit ri peri hirit sombong,hep kasih iweta kiatu. 2 Efei reitih iwa-farhep i tope emnah andanduh, efenduari i wau arom it. 3 We iri nane arhandi we Allah taniar yai, Allah yei rarar. 4 Efei iu ef arkin animalna arbuniu persembahan hubyai, tarok tamnah: Fandutin hubyai ha-tap Allah tih tandu tin lima tahue ihap afei Allah rei e sa. 5 Wop ef marma-u ahandui artoh ef Allah ef yenwe surga, dop fandutin-doptin, marmau, Allah tino ouriarharen we,Dop Fransis itoma ef ih pi ouri. 6 We efei idik tarok to ibema hibetihbe Allah, reit taman mau mapandanduh ikut eha aren wetin ibema efei taha ten twetin dap Fransis it ima hibetih, reito Yesus Kristus, mapandanduh efei pe ibun dop ibema hanehpi tarok taha tenetin. 7 Wetin ihap afmanah nane romnanah hewau it, rihiririhto to ibema altar enemriwe hubya. Pe arin ani malna mau efei ani malna persenbahan buat ubyai. Dop tin fatur yatui britap, yafuito e ha reneiwe. 8 Bremai nariworidikau petag-yuk jau Allah tuniarya, idik hap rugi handaduk efei idik nare tanit, dop idik ihsp pe untungan danduk efei tarok ranit. 9 Weti fourie fya,Amnha e hembeh beh oha weni hamatop iwaf fati sandungan belat iri tarok bri, l ,tap it. 10 Wop pare urkeromu omnah andandub it, pe ukuko matet kuim brema marhaf warifinuropare hubya yenit. 11 Wope efei i au afihpi iti btil tap it naneito rafumri, kristus eperif efei ihpiri, eroh tanri wop unem omnah ewau. 12 Efei ehem ukoha kuenafei it ofei ibro rafum rihar it dop ofeiri fatur yafui orohtanri iri nane bri top it map ehem i bro eha yenwe Kristus taniarya. 13 Anduh hapihpi pare bermai iwef fati sandungan buar rafuk it, mape yolu i bema awenafihpi mare a walain ahi malna pe amnah eyau hamotih a wafei sandungan buat eyau rafuk riharit.