Genesis 5

Genesis 5:1

Of what is chapter five of Genesis a record?

Chapter five of Genesis is a record of the descendants of Adam.

In whose likeness was mankind made?

Mankind was made in God’s likeness.

Genesis 5:2

What genders of mankind did God create?

God created mankind male and female.

Genesis 5:5

How long did Adam live?

Adam lived 930 years.

Genesis 5:8

How long did Seth live?

Seth lived 912 years.

Genesis 5:14

How long did Kenan live?

Kenan lived 910 years.

Genesis 5:20

How long did Jared live?

Jared lived 962 years.

Genesis 5:24

What was Enoch’s relationship with God, and what happened to him?

Enoch walked with God, and God took him.

Genesis 5:29

What did Lamech say about his son Noah?

Lamech said that Noah would give mankind rest from the work and the toil caused by the ground that Yahweh had cursed.

Genesis 5:32

Who were the sons of Noah?

The sons of Noah were Shem, Ham, and Japheth.